The Only Coaching Certification Program You'll Ever Need.

The ONLY certification program where you can
get 7 board certifications in 8-12 months!

Here’s the truth:

Most coaches:

Some coaches:

Only a few coaches:

ONLY HIGHLY TRAINED AND EFFECTIVE COACHES that excel in their gifts can get to the root cause quickly and effectively…

 changing their clients’ lives forever. 

Whether you’re already a coach or you’re thinking about becoming one you know you want to be at the top of your field; a known expert; a coach who makes a massive impact on their clients.


But here’s the thing,
right now you…

Are terrified to put yourself out there because you feel like an imposter; a failure; a FRAUD. You don’t feel confident in your coaching skills and are scared your clients will find out.

Don’t have fun anymore because you’re working SO hard 24/7 to make this business work. And you’re still not seeing the financial return.

Feel incredibly alone since your friends and family don’t understand what you do and it’s hard to find other like-minded humans.

You have a dream to make a massive impact on the world, but have zero clue about HOW to do that.

Being a highly trained, effective, 100% confident coach who changes their clients’ lives feels like it is a million miles away.

But what if you could get there sooner?

What if you could…


Trust us, it’s 100% possible AND
completely doable with the…

A revolutionary coaching certification designed to help you go deeper with your clients than any other coach will go.

Become a board certified coach with SEVEN different certifications in 8-12 months.

Through four modules of intensive training, practice hours, LIVE group sessions, meditations, and more, you will discover awareness and healing on the deepest levels and be able to guide your clients there too.

“I was kind of hesitant about how much this would cost, but I trusted that it would lead me where I needed to go. And I was right! I was able to release a lot of limiting decisions and negative thoughts and emotions that I had in my personal life and around my future career. After completing this training, I feel like I have so much confidence in my future direction and where I want to take my personal life AND my career. I couldn’t be happier with my experience with Genius Unlocked and I highly recommend them to anybody who is even curious about this type of work.”
Erica G.


Because it’s a total game-changer for yourself as a coaching professional and for your business.

Here’s why:

You can increase your prices

Feel confident in getting results

Establish yourself as a trustworthy professional

High code of ethics

Get more opportunities

If you want to be a coach at the top of their field who can help ANY client with ANY issue, becoming a certified coach

is the answer!

So who we are?

We’re Jenn & Carson
the founders of Genius Unlocked!

We coached separately for years excelling with our own strengths — Jenn using her incredible intuitive gifts and Carson bringing the sturdy structure of coaching.

But we quickly realized that we could create an even BIGGER impact if we worked together.

Jenn taught Carson how to infuse his intuition into his coaching sessions

and Carson taught Jenn how to structure her intuition to achieve repeateble results!

And together we created this business beautiful partnership…
Structured Coaching + Intuitive Connection =

Powerful Coaching Mastery

Working on our business and ourselves, we’ve been able to heal our deepest traumas, reach next-level emotional breakthroughs, and remove any unconscious blocks keeping us from success (and helped thousands of clients do the same).

Once we created Genius Unlocked we skyrocketed to $100k month in our 4th month, saw $40k in revenue in the 5th month, and reached $155k by month 8!

This is possible for you too
and we’re going to help you
get there!

This is why we created the

Our mission is to be the ONLY COACHING CERTIFICATION program you need.

Seriously… We’ve collected 16 coaching certifications each so you don’t have to. (Phew, you’re welcome. 😉)

This is one of the only coaching certification programs (most likely the ONLY program) that contains 7 board certifications. The results we’ve created for our clients speaks for itself and that’s why we’ve built a 7-figure business in less than 3 years on referrals alone.

Now we want you to help you achieve these SAME results (without devoting years of your life to get there).

You Ready?



We give you tools to heal and reprogram your conscious mind + unconscious mind AND we help you integrate the two.

Most programs only work on the conscious mind while completely ignoring the unconscious mind. 

Why is that a problem?

Well, your unconscious mind controls 90% of your life, so if you ONLY focus on your conscious mind, you’re missing out on where the real healing begins.


On the flip side — if you only heal and reprogram your unconscious mind, that remaining 10% of your life (your conscious mind) will continue as if you haven’t been healed.


Cultivate profound self-awareness with the conscious mind through specific coaching techniques like Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching skills.

Heal the unconscious mind as well as physically, emotionally, and energetically through energy work with Advanced Intuitive Insight™ incorporating Reiki Levels I & II, and Hypnotherapy.

Build trust between the conscious and unconscious minds to help release the root cause through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Somatic Coaching, and Time Line Therapy®.

Throughout this process, you’ll learn to connect to your INTUITIONthe translator between your conscious and unconscious minds. 

Not only will you develop a deeper connection with your purpose and authentic self through Unlocking Mastery Coaching Academy, but you will be able to guide your clients through the same process


This WILL transform your life and business forever, have a massive impact on your clients, and be at the top of your field!

Are you ready?

Certification Overview

Recognize learned patterns of behavior or thinking and make the necessary changes.

You’ll learn traditional, basic, and more advanced NLP techniques that have been practiced, applied, and refined by experts in the field for over 45 years.

Being a certified NLP Coach commands advanced knowledge in the field of human performance and is highly valued in the business community meaning they earn more money for contract coaching services.

Get to the root cause of an issue by retaining the learning while releasing the associated negative emotions to foster the change you’re looking for. Stop reliving past negative experiences and release them quickly and efficiently. This method will change your and your client’s lives.

Tap into the unconscious to create changes in you and your client’s thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and feelings while under hypnosis. Learn self-hypnosis and hypnosis on others. Use this method of transformation to build confidence, accomplish goals, and tap into personal fulfillment.

Clear negative energy and remove blocks within the body to heal yourself and your clients emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  When you add your intuitive hits to traditional Reiki you can support your clients with their breakthroughs while releasing negative energy and blocks at a deeper level.

With emotional intelligence and purposeful integration you can tap into the wisdom of your body to re-associate or disassociate with our emotions appropriately to gain learnings and wisdom. Help yourself and your clients move toward what is important to them in life.

Through this certification you can apply for an ICF credential. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is a certification upholding the quality and standards of coaching worldwide. Through mentorship coaching, you have the opportunity to be internationally recognized in the coaching world. This certification sets you apart in your business and acknowledges you as a leader in the coaching field.

Our unique program teaches you the ICF core competencies, ICF ethical guidelines, core coaching concepts, and coaching philosophies allowing you to be on the cutting edge of the coaching industry.

“I saw the results in my own life after going through Genius Unlock’s program. My life was completely transformed from my relationships, to my finances, to my business and my health and fitness - just all areas! I wake up with such passion and energy. My personal growth has been incredible. When I experienced that, I wanted to know HOW they did that for me because I want to share that with other people. Jenn and Carson have created an incredible company within Genius Unlocked and with their depth of knowledge, I knew I was learning from the best."
Debbie O.

Course Curriculum

Module 1

This module, valued at $22,497, is delivered during an intensive 11 day event to get three certifications:

Many training programs teach you how to use tools without teaching you the science behind how they work. The result is that participants are left with a narrow understanding of their practice, often feeling unable to treat edge cases or situations that may seem confronting.
In this Module, you will learn HOW the brain works and how to shift the brain’s neurology to have sustainable, lasting change for yourself and your clients. The first four days will be LIVE training on Zoom. The last seven days full-day intensive in person practitioner training. This in-person event will give you the opportunity to coach the other 20 participants through the processes you just learned.

4-day curriculum training:

Learn the power of Neuro Linguistic Programing. Bring choice and empowerment back into your life when you learn the 4 themes of NLP. NLP breaks down effective and proven techniques that have been used in therapy and psychology for the last 100 years. Walk away understanding the science behind why your brain either produces effective results or blocks you from creating the life you want. In this training, you will learn how to use language to transform your listening and coaching questions to get sustainable change. Lastly, know exactly how to change your and your clients’ state immediately. 

7-day practitioner training:

Learn the precise 8-step process for a personalized breakthrough with your clients. You will be taught to understand how to apply Time Line Therapy(R) with NLP partitioner and NLP coaching certification to work with your clients’ trauma, PTSD, and attention.  After this first module, you will feel confident enough to charge $1500-$3500 for a 10-hour process with clients AND you’ll have at least 20 testimonials from the people you coached during the training.
Leave confidently implementing the 8 step breakthrough process:
  1. Detailed Personal History 
  2. One time event release
  3. Negative emotion release 
  4. Limiting decisions release
  5. Parts integration 
  6. Set SMART Goal
  7. Install unconscious learning with a goal in the future
  8. Create a strategic action plan  

Module 2

Learn and understand how the unconscious mind works and how your body communicates with your mind through somatic coaching. 

During this module, valued at $25,988, you’ll receive:

Evolve Your Intuition

By first working on yourself, you will learn to deeply connect to your intuition. Having made this resonant connection you will learn how to teach your clients how to do the same. 

Learn to access your gut feeling whether it’s what to have for dinner or if you should take a new job opportunity.

This course is delivered through 12 weekly group mentorship sessions over Zoom.


Advanced Intuitive Insight™
Reiki Level 1 and Level 2

Genius Unlocked’s Advanced Intuitive Insight is training and therapy through energy work. We’ll teach you how to use Source’s energy (regardless of how you personally define Source) instead of pulling from your own energy.

  • Aii Certification: Reiki I – a 1.5 day training on Zoom
  • Aii Certification: Reiki II – a 2 day training on Zoom

Hypnotherapy Practitioner Certification

“Hypnotherapy is a type of mind-body intervention in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility in the treatment of a medical or psychological disorder or concern”

Do Hypnotherapy on yourself and your clients to bypass the resistance of the conscious mind to get to the unconscious mind to get results.

  • 3-day Zoom training teaching the Krasner method

Genius Unlocked Somatic Coaching Certification

Be a somatic coach so you can teach your clients how to learn from and connect to their bodies.

  • 2-day training on Zoom

Unlocking Breathwork Coach Certification

You’ll be able to…

Captivate the energy of every room you enter

  • Speak and share you message with incredible
  • magnetism effortlessly drawing in your ideal clients
  • Focus your creative energy and implement your
    million dollar ideas with 100% confidence
  • Experience infinitely more pleasure in your life and business
  • Increase sales and exponentially grow your business

Exude confidence & self-love that empowers your
current and potential clients to want what you have

We can help you BE the coach who goes deeper with their clients than ANY other coach will go.

Module 3

In this program, valued at $7,499, you will be guided through the process to get board certified with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). 

This is the certification where you can get board certified with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). 

We’ll teach you the difference between coaching and therapy, the definition of coaching, how to partner with your clients, how to write contracts, the ethics of coaching, and how to guide your clients through massive paradigm shifts.

ICF Mentorship

  • 12 weekly group mentorship sessions where students will coach each other
  • Six 30-minute one-on-one coach mentorship where Jenn & Carson will listen to your coaching calls with each other and give you feedback
  • Recorded trainings in the secure online membership website.

Genius Unlocked’s Root Cause Coaching Method™

Using this framework method for a structured coaching session you can get past the presenting problem (usually excuses) → down to the greater problem (thoughts & emotional patterns) → then finally to the root cause (an unmet need or identity that’s been suppressed).

This is where you can achieve long-term healing and reach your authentic self.

  • 12 weekly group mentorship sessions
  • Peer coaching
  • Recorded trainings in membership area

In just THREE modules you can walk away with SEVEN different certifications that will set you

Module 4

You will get 1:1 coaching, valued at $7,499, with a master certified coach through a fast and effective process to release trauma, PTSD, addiction or anything else holding you back from making your goals happen NOW. 

This will happen over 12-15 hours in 2-4 hour time blocks done over 2 weeks. Think of it as 20 years of therapy in two weeks!

You can only hold the amount of emotional space for your clients as you do with yourself! That’s why we take so much time towards helping YOU achieve personal breakthroughs.

In this Module:

  1. We’ll go through a detailed personal history that helps you identify limiting behaviors, thoughts, and emotions keeping you from moving forward.
  2. Negative emotions and limiting decisions will be released.
  3. We’ll clear up any inner conflict as well as phobias, bad habits, and unhelpful impulses you have to help you move forward.
  4. You’ll set SMART goals that align with the conscious and unconscious minds.
  5. We will use meditation and hypnosis to install the learnings from your breakthrough into your unconscious mind.
  6. Then you’ll have a strategic plan to implement after you’ve stepped into your new self!

But these four modules aren’t all you get out of this program.

You’ll also get these FREE bonuses just for signing up!

Once you’ve gotten your 7 certifications we want to help you implement everything you’ve learned! 

You’ll get to spend THREE MONTHS with Jenn & Carson as we mentor you through your first 5-10 clients. Valued at $7,499.

In 12 weekly group mentorship sessions, we’ll give you feedback on how to take your clients deeper and anything that needs to happen to get clients more results.

This includes:

  • 3-hour personal breakthrough – overcome your own trauma and blocks keeping you from creating the life and business you want  
  • Get 5 detailed personal histories from your clients reviewed by us
  • Pre-recorded detailed personal history examples

We have specific experts in each of these areas teach EVERYTHING they know on the topic and how they reached success. 

These workshops alone are worth $5,982!

Intuition Meditations & Meditation Box

Get 10 meditations to help you integrate everything you’ve learned into every level of your being: mental, physical, energetic, and emotional.

Plus a matching meditation box with everything you need to enhance your Intuition Meditations.

The retail value of these meditation courses and boxes is $997.

The Nitty-Gritty of What’s Included:

This program is valued at $77,961 , but...


Or choose one of the following,

13 Payments of $1,000

18 Payments of $750


You’ll receive a welcome email with access to your Membership Portal + a link to book a call with your Curriculum Coordinator.  Inside your membership portal, you’ll see the schedule for your trainings and coaching calls + access to the first module.

Is Unlocking Mastery Coaching Academy for you?

It’s for you if…

It’s NOT for you if…

These are the FAQs

Most coaching certifications cost anywhere from $8,000-$10,000 *per* certification. We are offering 7 certifications in ONE program. You’ll also receive training on how to implement and obtain clients. This truly is the best valued coaching certification program out there.

Great! We love working with high achieving people. You’ll actually be able to sit down with our curriculum coordinator, who will help you structure your program outline to fit your own pace. Plus, all of our classes are recorded to watch at your convenience!

Coaching combines two studies: the study of how the brain works, and the study of how to communicate. These two things can be used in everyday life from getting better results at work to communicating with your significant other. These skills allow you to create the life you want! 

NLP is a comprehensive study of how people define the world around them using language. NLP is no more manipulative than a knife is dangerous – it all depends on how you use this tool. NLP will teach you how and why you have specific results in your life so that you can create more of what you want in your life and less of what you don’t want. 

With these coaching certifications you will learn to ask the questions that your clients have never been asked before, to take them deeper than they have ever gone before and get them the results they’ve never been able to achieve before. You’ll have the confidence to work with any type of client!

Other companies may teach you how to do something, but we take it a step further — we also work with you to release any self-doubts, confusion, or overwhelm that have stopped you from implementing teachings in the past. With our formula you will get better results than you ever have before.  And we provide breakthrough mentorship where you’ll receive live and written feedback on your clients – we don’t send you out there alone!

Your potential as a coach is truly unlimited. We’ll teach you how to get clients right away so you can feel confident to set income goals that work for you. Your ROI can start as soon as you decide to implement the trainings. Plus we’ll coach you through the process.

If not now, then when? There will always be a reason to put off your results until tomorrow, but wouldn’t it be better to start seeing results in your life now? The sooner you start, the sooner you can get to the life you dream of!

Hey there,

If you dream of being a coach at the top of your field…

Effortlessly calling in your soul clients…

Achieving time and money freedom while running a business you love…

And facilitating mind-blowing results for your clients…

Don’t pass up this opportunity to become a board certified coach.

You and your business can reach staggering new heights when you say “yes” to this certification program.

This is all available to you once you commit to this program and do the work.

A beautiful, abundant business is waiting for you on the other side of this page.

Which will you choose? Move forward into the future you’ve always wanted? Or stay the same?

We’ll be here to support you if you choose to join us.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to take the leap?

“It’s been a couple of weeks and I’ve already been making some big decisions and big shifts in my life, and ultimately that’s what I want! So, a big thank you to Genius Unlocked! If you’re considering being a part of the movement, get on it, because you’re going to start seeing the dividends immediately!”

“genius unlocked is life changing and inspirational”

“I’m super excited about where I’m going next and what I’m doing, knowing that I’m in full alignment with my purpose and my intuition and being able to listen to my intuition and honor that this word “coach” just wasn’t matching with who I am and who I’m being called to be. I am a healer.”
Erin R.
“Working with Genius Unlocked has given me the desire to keep peeling back the layers, so I can increase my capacity to feel all of the amazing things I know that I am and I’ve always wanted to express.”
Lindsay H.
“Genius Unlock’s way of setting goals is very different than anything I’ve done before, and it works! It absolutely works!”
Holly L.
“If you’re considering working with Genius Unlocked, I’d highly recommend them. Jenn is so intuitive and wonderful, Carson’s a go-getter and so good at helping you with business goals and just really seeing the true picture.”
Michelle S.

You made it to the bottom of the page!
It is time to take the leap and follow your intuition to
be at the top of your field!

Are you ready?

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