There are four inner voices inside your head, and each of them plays a role in our ability to heal and experience breakthroughs. 

The first is your intuition, which is the supportive voice we want to follow. 

The other three are your inner ego, your inner child and your inner critic. 

Those three inner voices come out without permission. They’re loud. They’re boisterous. They’re annoying. 

But it’s important to note — we want to love the inner ego, the inner critic and the inner child. They have a job to do their job is to tell you what is projecting negatively or unconsciously, so you can fix it.

No need to blame and shame any of these other three voices, lock them in the cage in the back of your mind, give them little dirty names or tell them to shut up.



Inner Ego

Unconscious voice 

Your inner ego is the identity we adopt from outside influences. It’s the inner voice fighting to keep the identity for the purpose of being right, feeling powerful, and protecting ourselves. 

Your inner ego is not comfortable with change and comes off as defensive, prideful, and defiant. 

So where might those negative thoughts and emotions becoming from a place of protecting an identity or being right? 

Inner Critic

Unconscious voice 

The second voice is our inner critic. This is the judgment towards an identity you are holding onto.It takes the job of keeping you safe by telling you reasons you should not or cannot do something. Your inner critic wants to keep you where you’re at, so that you don’t run the risk.

It thinks it’s keeping you safe, and in reality, it’s not. And it creates the perception of bad things happening. 

Inner Child

Unconcious voice 

The third inner voice is the inner child.

Our inner child is the childlike aspect, which includes all that you’ve learned and experienced before puberty. 

It shows up as wounded hurt, sad, scared, or disappointed, and it can cause isolation that manifests as loneliness or depression, or it can act out seeking attention. 

This is where you might also claim to be an extrovert or an introvert, yet it’s really your inner child. It may be either hiding and you believe to be an introvert, or you believe you are an extrovert and it could really be your inner child acting out, looking for attention. 


Conscious voice 

The last voice is our intuition. Your intuition is the inner guidance that holds your truths. It’s the inner knowing that allows you to live in your authentic self, and has your best interest at heart — always no exceptions.

It leads you in a positive direction, even if the other three voices are telling you don’t go there. 

Your intuition is always kind, but not always gentle. If you’re hearing anything in your mind, that’s not positive or not kind, it’s not your intuition.

How to Identify Your Inner Voices and Lead from Intuition

The three voices that aren’t serving you in a positive way — the inner ego, inner critic, and inner child — are still important to appreciate because they’re giving you the warning lights that there’s something to look at. 

So instead of being upset, judgmental, or annoyed that these three voices are coming up, start asking, “what do you want to teach me?”

Ask your intuition to give you the learnings, and then the other three will quiet themselves down. 

Anytime you’re experiencing negative emotions, feelings, or thoughts, ask yourself, “which inner voice is that coming from? Is that coming from my ego, inner critic, or inner child?.”

When you can identify which inner voice your thought is coming from, you can quiet it and turn up the volume on your intuition.

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